The life blood of the club!
We are always looking for reliable and enthusiastic help, there are a number of different roles requiring different skills and open to potential volunteers.
General volunteers
To help the players and coach setup chairs, aiding players to get their kit on and putting chair away at the end of a session. There is also the opportunity to travel with the teams to tournaments.
The equipment used in the game has higher than average wear and tear due to the nature of the sport, usually punctures, therefore any potential volunteer should have at least basic experience of bicycle maintenance.
Admin & social media
Although there is not a great deal of paperwork in running the club, it still has to be done in an orderly and timely fashion in order for the club to run smoothly. Social media is more and more important for the club to get their message out and has a presence on the major socials.
The club requires a qualified nurse to travel to tournaments

The club is a fun, warm and welcoming environment, with potential to learn more about this exciting sport, with the many courses ran by our governing body, GBWR, to get involved in coaching or officiation games as a referee.
The training sessions are held 7 – 9pm every Tuesday evening, we sometimes have extra weekend session prior to competitions, we also do outreach sessions to schools and the spinal unit and often have fundraising event, so there’s plenty of option on how much or little for a potential volunteer to commit to.